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July 24, 2024

Exploring routing flexibility with Next.js Parallel Routes

Exploring routing flexibility with Next.js Parallel Routes
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Next.js, a powerful React framework, offers two essential features - Parallel Routes and Intercepting Routes - that enable developers to create highly dynamic and seamless user experiences in their applications. In this blog post, we will explore Parallel Routes highlighting their functionalities, use cases, and how it can be combined to enhance application routing.

What are parallel routes?

Parallel routes are most useful when rendering complex, dynamic sections of an application, such as in a dashboard with multiple independent sections or a modal.

The image below is an illustration of a dashboard page from the Next documentation that demonstrates the intricacies of parallel routes:

parallel routes

How to use parallel routes

Parallel routes in Next.js are defined using a feature known as slots. Slots help structure our content in a modular fashion. To define a slot, we use the @folder naming convention. Each slot is then passed as a prop to its corresponding layout.tsx file .

In the context of our dashboard example, we would define two distinct slots within the app folder: @team for the team section, @analytics for the analytics section.

Use of parallel routes

For simplicity, we will include content within the slots as follows:

 // app/@team/page.tsx
     export default function Team() {
       return <div>Team</div>;

     // app/@analytics/page.tsx
     export default function Analytics() {
       return <div>Analytics</div>;

The layout component in app/layout.js will accept the @team and @analytics slots as props and render them alongside the children prop. Here's an example of the layout component:

export default function Layout({
     }) {
       return (

It is important to note that slots are not route segments and do not affect the URL structure. 

Why Use Parallel Routes

A clear benefit of parallel routes is their ability to split a single layout into various slots, making the code more manageable. This is particularly advantageous when different teams work on various sections of the page.

However, the true benefit of parallel routes lies in their capacity for independent route handling and sub-navigation. Let’s take a closer look at these benefits.

Independent route handling

Each parallel route is streamed independently to the layout, allowing for individual loading and error states, completely isolated from other parts of the layout.

For instance, if a section like analytics takes longer to load than other dashboard sections, a loading indicator can be displayed for that section alone, while the remaining sections remain fully interactive.

We can achieve this by defining loading.tsx and error.tsx files within each slot, as demonstrated in the illustration below:

Independent route handling

For instance, if the analytics data takes longer to load, you can display a loading spinner specifically for that section, while other parts of the dashboard remain interactive. Similarly, if there's an error in the fetching team, you can show an error message in that specific section without affecting the rest of the dashboard. This level of detail in handling states not only improves the user experience but also simplifies debugging and maintenance.

Sub-navigation in routes

The independent attribute of a slot extends beyond the loading and error state. Each route operates as a standalone entity, complete with its own state management and navigation, thus making each section of the user interface (in this context, the dashboard) operate as a standalone application.

This implies that we can create sub-folders that are associated with the @folder/sub-folder file path within the slots and navigate back and forth without altering the state or rendition of the other sections on the dashboard.

For example, if we wish to implement sub-navigation within the @analytics slot, we can create a subfolder as follows:

Sub-navigation in routes

Sub-navigation in routes

This setup allows seamless navigation between the analytics and notification views, without impacting other sections of the home page.

However, it's important to consider how this affects other parts of the home page, particularly the behavior of the children, team slots since they don't have an notification folder defined.

Handling unmatched routes

By default, the content rendered within a slot matches the current URL. In our folder, we have two slots: team, analytics. 

All these slots render their defined content when visiting localhost:3000/. However, when navigating to localhost:3000/notification, only the analytics slot has a matching route. The other slot - team - becomes unmatched.

When dealing with an unmatched slot, the content rendered by Next.js depends on the routing approach:

  • Navigation from the UI: In the case of navigation within the UI, Next.js retains the previously active state of a slot regardless of changes in the URL. This means when you navigate between the default analytics at localhost:3000/ and notifications at localhost:3000/notification within the analytics slot, the other slots @team  remain unaffected.These slots continue to display whatever content they were showing before
  • Page Reloads: In the case of a page reload, Next.js immediately searches for a default.tsx file within each unmatched slot. The presence of this file is critical, as it provides the default content that Next.js will render in the user interface. If this default.tsx file is missing in any of the unmatched slots for the current route, Next.js will render a 404 error.

Let’s take a closer look at including the default.tsx file in our dashboard route.


The default.tsx file in Next.js serves as a fallback to render content when the framework cannot retrieve a slot's active state from the current URL. You have complete freedom to define the UI for unmatched routes: you can either mirror the content found in page.tsx or craft an entirely custom view.

Now, when we engage in a hard navigation to the /notification route, the page will load correctly and render the default view for unmatched routes.


Next.js Parallel offers powerful methods for enhancing the routing capabilities of your applications. With Parallel Routes, multiple pages can be seamlessly integrated within a shared layout, simplifying navigation and enhancing user experience.

Key Takeaways:

  • Parallel routes allow simultaneous rendering of different pages within the same layout.
  • Parallel routes are defined using slots.
  • Slots organize content in a modular fashion, making code more manageable.
  • The use of default.tsx for unmatched routes ensures a consistent user experience, even when certain content sections don't have a direct match in the URL.
  • Parallel Routes can be used to implement conditional routing.
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