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May - Drupal Monthly MeetUp

May - Drupal Monthly MeetUp
Table of contents

We are thankful to Clarion Technologies for hosting the Pune Drupal monthly meetup on 29th May 2015 at its premises. The meetup had more than 38 active members participating into it. In this meet up we came up with an open discussion to bring basic solutions to problems faced by the frontend and backend developers. Swastik Pareek initiated the discussion by giving a brief presentation on “Bridging the gap between themer and site builder ”. Some of the things discussed in the presentation :-

  • Estimating together :-  Developer and themer should do estimations in tandem, checking feasibility and being on same page with markup consensus.
  • Common Mistakes :- The very basic and the most common mistakes done while site building were pointed in this section.
  • Reusable code :- If different pages have same designs then code should be written such that it could be reused, one should not write too much page specific codes.
  • Image Management : Discussion on image management and image presets while theming

Followed by the presentation we had a problem solving session in which all the developer discussed about their problem faced in different areas.  Following are the area of discussions taken up :-

  • Saket Kumar talked about the solutions to queries about theme development.false
  • Ajit Shinde speaking about Development in Drupal8.false
  • Piyuesh Kumar discussed about the Drupal site performance issues and solutions.false
  • Ravish Gupta from the pune drupal group talked about multilingual sites and translations.false

After this Piyuesh Kumar shared his cool experience about @DrupalConNAfalse

He talked about the keynote given by Dries Buytaertprenote. He and Saket Kumar shared their experiences about mentoring the code sprint in @DrupalConNA. He mentioned about Dries Buytaert doing live commit for a patch done by the group in code sprint at @DrupalConNA. In addition he talked about after parties :) and benefits of developer networking. The session was focussed on sharing experience which got many excited for DrupalCons Asia 2016 in Mumbai

Stay connected with us to get updates on Pune Drupal Group.

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