Quality Engineering
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September 2, 2022

Why Should Performance Budgeting be a Part of your CI/CD?

Why Should Performance Budgeting be a Part of your CI/CD?
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The automation of any process raises the user satisfaction of that specific project to the next level. However, CI/CD offers more than simply automation to eliminate human error. It helps businesses roll out innovative solutions promptly, effectively, and affordably for users. It is the ultimate cheat code for smoother operations as it enables the delivery of software with fewer risks, frequent deployment of additional features per user demands, and increased developer productivity.

There are various options available now for incorporating performance budgets into Continuous Integration. They ensure that an application does not exceed a specific data cap. Tracking a webpage's performance budget and integrating it with the CI/CD workflow can minimize the performance degradation caused by adding a new code. 

 What is CI/CD?

Software delivery is a continuous loophole. CI/CD or Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment are two of its most crucial steps to maintain user satisfaction and operational standards. The entire process is reminiscent of an assembly line with well-defined steps that often need to be done and re-done throughout the software's lifetime. 

CI/CD is the process of creating software that allows companies to deploy modifications at any moment in a sustainable manner. With regular code changes, development cycles become more relevant and speedy while maintaining frequency. 

Four general steps make up the entire CI/CD process:

  1. The general architecture for implementing these modifications is known as "continuous delivery." 
  2. The starting step is known as "continuous integration." 
  3. The method of ensuring quality is known as "continuous testing." 
  4. The process of making the finished product available to consumers is known as "continuous deployment."

CI for improved collaboration and quality

Continuous Integration impacts the areas of collaboration and quality control rather significantly. It helps quickly deploy features, allowing the DevOps team to maintain its quality standards. And CI allows it to happen quickly. Here's how:

Easier to spot faults and software quality concerns

Continuous Integration or CI is a development model underpinned by process mechanics and automation. During the CI stage, developers often submit their code to the version control repository. Most teams set a minimum benchmark of committing code at least once daily. The reasoning that prefaces this is that smaller code differentials allow easier detection of faults and other software quality concerns versus bigger codes created over long periods. When teams work on tighter cycles, it is less likely for many developers to modify the same code simultaneously, eliminating a merge when committing the code.

Short and long-term time frames to develop features and improvements

Continuous integration teams frequently commence projects by configuring version control and practice definitions. Although code is checked often, improvements and fixes are introduced in long and short time frames. Continuous Integration development teams use many ways to govern whether features and code are production-ready.

Feature flags for better testing and higher quality software

Many teams employ feature flags, a configuration mechanism that allows them to toggle features and code on and off at the run time. Features still in development are enveloped in code with feature flags, pushed to production alongside the main branch, and left off until their time of use. Feature flags offer improved testing and superior quality. Optimizely Rollouts, CloudBees Rollout, and LaunchDarkly are feature flagging tools that connect with CI/CD platforms and enable feature-level configurations.

Version control branching

Version control branching is another way of managing features. A branching strategy establishes a protocol for integrating new code into standard development, testing, and production branches. Additional branches are generated for features that may need longer development cycles. Once the feature is completed, the developers can merge the modifications from the feature branches into the main development branch. However, an effective strategy can be tough to manage when numerous features are created simultaneously. In such cases, one can automate the build process by packaging the software, databases, and other components.

Achieves complete testing automation

In addition to bundling all application and database components, CI automates the execution of unit tests and other testing. This testing ensures that the developers' code modifications did not break any current unit tests. 

Why do you need CI/CD?

CI/CD is a smart integration plan for any DevOps team. But why exactly should it be considered? Given below are a few reasons why.

Quicker software building

Integrating CI and CD results in much quicker builds and faster delivery outputs. With deployments running in a continuous sequence, it enables a project's consistent tracking, provides real-time feedback, and repairs errors as required. Continuous reviews enable product development to remain tuned to end-user expectations.

Better time-to-value proportion

The development pace is tremendous, and the delay between introducing and delivering a new feature is lessened considerably. The team devotes less time and effort to debugging and more time to creating new features. It also results in a shortened feedback loop, and the amount of time separating user participation and updates. As a result of using the CI/CD automated system, the DevOps team produces faster test results for the development and deployment of the application.

Management based on data

The CI/CD approach also requires continuous data monitoring of the development process. Once the procedures and insights become apparent, the team can optimize the existing workflow and remove engineering impediments. This results in a more sophisticated system and a quicker turnaround for the intended software solution.

Effective development

The goal of CI/CD is to improve the integration process by breaking it down into essential and regular development tasks. That helps reduce build costs and discover errors early in the software lifecycle. It increases real-time transparency, allowing developers to work much more efficiently. 

Performance budgeting explained

A performance budget is defined as a set of regulations placed on metrics that impact site performance. Performance metrics are a vital part of the user experience. It may include the overall page size, a site's load time on a mobile network, or the total number of HTTP requests sent. Setting a performance budget is the reference point for making design, technical, and feature decisions.

A budget allows designers to consider the impact of high-resolution photos and the number of web fonts they select. It also assists developers in comparing diverse solutions for an issue and evaluating libraries and frameworks based on characteristics, such as size and parsing costs.

Why use performance budget

A budget exists to represent a site's attainable objectives. It is a balance of user experience and other performance measures. It also entails many other advantages mentioned below.

Improves expenditure

A performance budget is essentially a rundown of the amount of data that the development of a website might require to create a well-functioning website. Little similar to allocating funds for a business. It ensures better utilization of resources and cuts down anticipated wastage. 

Betters performance

The web continues to grow in size. The size of web pages is also increasing, as are the various resources necessary to display a webpage, such as graphics, scripts, and style sheets. A quick, responsive website is essential for a successful business. The performance budget is a strategy that places performance at the center of development and eliminates needless distractions that cause the site to slow down.

Effective allocation of funds

Performance budgeting plays a rather significant role in the allocation of funds. It explicitly maps out the objectives and uses for allocated funds, increasing visibility with budget planning. 

Assists in reviewing the efficiency of programs

Quantity-based metrics do not have a direct relationship to the user experience. However, they provide the critical advantage of providing metrics that are far easier to understand and prepare for than the effect on the user experience.

Combines planning, budgeting, and programming

Performance budgeting allows the integration of three of the most significant aspects of site development. The budgeting enables a better understanding of the site requirements. That results in better programming of the site for its smooth functioning. 

Metrics for performance budgeting

Being able to measure something is the only way to improve performance. It is especially true for websites where the metrics influence the overall website performance. Let's consider three primary performance budgeting metrics that track the user-friendliness of a website:

Time-based metrics

The majority of time-based metrics are referred to as "milestone timings." This metric type indicates how quickly specific components of the website load. DOMContentLoaded and load events are two of the most frequent events used to measure page load speed. However, they do not present a complete user experience because the server might send a minimal page to the user while deferring actual content load and display for many seconds.

Some of the essential timing metrics employed in a performance budget are as follows:

  • Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS)
  • Time to Interactive (TTI)
  • Total Blocking Time (TBT)
  • First Contentful Paint (FCP)
  • First Input Delay (FID)
  • Largest Contentful Paint (LCP)

Quantity-based metrics

These metrics are consequential in the early phases of development since they illustrate the implications of including large pictures and scripts. It's much simpler to grasp the effect of one extra script, or another large picture, on a 300kb budget than on a SpeedIndex budget. They are also simple to convey to designers and developers and help their collaboration process. Their primary benefit is that they are considerably easier to envision throughout the design and development process. 

Rule-based metrics

Website speed testing tools such as WebPageTest and Lighthouse can generate performance ratings that users can use to define the site's performance budget. One can count on these tools to be generally consistent since they adhere to standard best practice criteria for measuring site performance. DevOps teams receive the best results when they monitor a mix of quantitative and user-centric performance measures. Focusing on asset quantities and tracking FCP and TTI can be beneficial in the early stages of a software development project. Lighthouse also provides tips on improving site performance and creating a performance budget.

Tools for enforcing performance budgeting

WebPageTest: WebPageTest API is one of the most trusted website performance testing tools. It is a free tool that allows users to create an account and retrieve test results for a year. One can also use the WebPageTest API to automate the tests.

Lighthouse LightWallet: LightWallet is a feature integrated with Google Lighthouse that allows users to establish a performance budget. When testing a website with Lighthouse, it will immediately notify the user if any metrics exceed the budget limitations. Users can also use the Lighthouse Bot to define a performance budget and automate the performance testing process.

SpeedCurve: A high-end website speed testing and monitoring application, SpeedCurve also allows users to create performance budgets. If any metric exceeds budget limitations, the tool promptly sends an alert.

Calibre: Similar to SpeedCurve, Calibre is a premium performance tracking tool that allows users to define performance budgets and receive notifications when any metrics exceed the budget limit.


The current scenario requires organizations to go digital in some way or another. Even smaller businesses have a website or are looking to create websites to sell their services. Adopting CI/CD is a need rather than a choice. No matter how small the company is, website maintenance is a mammoth task that invites a lot of monetary investment. That is where performance budgeting tools can prove to be a worthwhile investment.

Performance budgeting can help in the efficient development, update, and integration of software. Performance budgeting tools can assist in focusing on improving site performance even more efficiently. 

In addition to helping enhance site performance and speed, some of these tools are also available free of cost. It is a massive boon since it helps eliminate excessive monetary investments while maintaining a functional website.

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